Revenge of the Ugly Puppy Syndrome

Fire up your motorcycle, because Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download our review of the film, featuring Daryl Surat of AnimeWorldOrder and Rachel Pandich, author of Aspire.

Review in a Nutshell:  This movie is enjoyably terrible, and the review strays into some surprisingly intellectual territory.  We are all shameless Nicolas Cage apologists. Do not believe our lies.

Welcome back, Frank.

Prepare yourself for creative uses of shrimp forks and chair legs, because Punisher: War Zone is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Review in a Nutshell:  Punisher: War Zone is undeniably the definitive Punisher film.  It distills the best elements of Garth Ennis’s writing into film form, in the process capturing the elusive quality that can only be described as “the comic book feel”.

This movie contains:

Loony Bin Jim.


Um…overcompensating, maybe?


This podcast may contain High Levels of Daryl Surat.