No, Not That House. No, Not That One, Either.


Watch out for white kitty cats, because House (1977) is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the title or the Bluray cover above to download our review of the film, featuring Tom Pandich of Shonen Dump.


Review in a Nutshell: An extremely strange and relentlessly artsy “ghost and fantasy” movie, House (1977) is a unique cinematic experience and well worthy of critical consideration. It’s not so much scary as nightmarish, and everyone should watch it at least once, if only on a dare.

Not to be confused with ‘Strange Circus’.


Do that funky hand-jive, because Santa Sangre is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the DVD cover or the title above to download our review of the film,

featuring Franklin Raines of Children of the Blazing Fist.

Review in a Nutshell: Trashy, exploitative, surreal, humorous, grotesque…all of these words and more apply to Alejandro Jodorowsky’s most accessible film, Santa Sangre, a tale of murderous Oedipal urges, religious cults, dismemberment, insanity, and the circus. Quite simply, this is an amazing and beautiful film.


Break out the impromptu guitar jam sessions, because Phantasm is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download our review of the film,

featuring Tom Pandich of Tomics! by Tom!!! and the Alter Ego’s podcast.

Review in a Nutshell: Phantasm is a shining example of that rarest breed of horror film – the horror movie that functions on a symbolic level. Strange, dream-like, and surreal, it’s a movie that constantly challenges the viewers’ expectations.
