Hyperdimensional Blender Robots from Hell!

The Greatest Movie EVER!
Kiss your Neutonian physics good-bye, because
The Black Hole is the Greatest Movie EVER!
This movie contains:
WAAAAAH!  Make it stop!  Make it stop!
Maximillian, the Scariest Robot EVER.
Also named Maximillian (Schell).
Mad Scientists.
The baked potato mind laser scene, which we completely failed to talk about…
V.I.N.C.E.N.T. and B.O.B.
The toughest garbage disposal units in the galaxy.
Planet?  Heaven?  Who knows?
Ambiguous Endings.
“I hope that zombie doesn’t try to lick my face…”


  1. sparkles says:

    did they make any toys for this movie?
    those robots look familiar….

  2. Young Freud says:

    It’s my hope than, in a future Kingdom Hearts game, they have a Cygnus level where you fight STAR Troopers and Maximillian, voiced by Schell. If they could have a Tron world, then they could have a Black Hole level, damnit.

    I thought Anthony Perkins death was pretty dramatic (that look on his face is priceless as he’s getting rotor-routed), although the scene that scared me when I was a kid was the scene when he pulls off the mask of one of Reinhardt’s drones and we have that zombified face.

  3. Eeeper says:

    For me, the iconic image is the one of Schell trapped inside Maximillian. Really alone and horrific shot.

    Maximillian! Help ME!

  4. Keith says:

    There were figures. VINCENT and Maximilian were hot commodities in the day.

    And really — one of my favorite movies. Unlike many my age, I think the movie holds up remarkably well. I enjoyed most of Disney’s “Weird phase” output — before they just started a new company to release rude movies. Black Hole, Dragonslayer, TRON — they all made and still make me happy.

    And thanks for the VINCENT love — most critics dismiss him as cutesy Bubo stuff, forgetting that he was a fast shooting, sass-talking killing machine.

  5. Jeff Tatarek says:

    V.I.N.CENT was nothing but a beer keg-sized container of pure awesomeness. For several years in my childhood he was ahead of R2-D2 in terms of favorites. Roddy McDowell providing the voice was what cemented it, I think. And yes, I had one of the V.I.N.CENT action figures, long since lost…

  6. Ben Cabrera says:

    Helll yeahhhh!!!!

    This movie rocks…I even have the old LP record with all the great music

  7. dominik santiago says:

    what movie is i hope that zombie doesen’t lick my face from

  8. gooberzilla says:

    Dominick, to answer your question, that zombie is from Dr. Uwe Boll’s modern cinematic masterpiece, House of the Dead.

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