Make Mine MANT!

Hold on to your popcorn, because Matinee (1993) is the Greatest Movie EVER?

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download our review of the film, featuring “Celebrity Translator” Neil Nadelman.

Review in a Nutshell: Awash in nostalgia and soaked in the anxiety of the threat of Cold War era nuclear annihilation, Matinee (1993) is a film oddity and a loving tribute to the oeuvre of master movie marketer William Castle.

Monkey See, Monkey Do.

Hold on to your helicopters, because Kong: Skull Island is most definitely the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download our review of the film, featuring guest host Oli “InvidNinja92” Bulmer.

Review in a Nutshell: A gleefully violent creature-feature, Kong: Skull Island manages to leave much of the character’s colonial baggage behind. It’s a great little genre fiction romp with some surprising artistic flourishes and a wicked sense of humor.

Gotta Go Fast.


Fuel up the Mach 5, because Speed Racer is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download our review of the film,

featuring Daryl Surat of AnimeWorldOrder and Thomas Pandich.

Review in a Nutshell: Critically savaged and commercially unsuccessful, Speed Racer is a visually imaginative family film directed by the Wachowskis. Some people will not be able to enjoy the film’s super-saturated color palette and kinetic editing, but upon re-watching it, I discovered a film with a surprisingly resonant emotional core.

Cage Rage: Raising Arizona

Strap into your car-seats, because Raising Arizona is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download our review of the film, featuring Sean “Hollywood” Hunting.

Review in a Nutshell:  Only the Coen Brothers could pull off a comedy about infant kidnapping.  Raising Arizona features great performances, wacky situations, excellent cinematography, good pacing, and the Coen Brother’s trademark twisted sense of humor.


We get in the mood for Howl-oween with a truly dire film and a truly fabulous guest host.

Cage Rage: Bringing Out the Dead

Gas up  the ambulance and break out the crash-cart, because Bringing Out the Dead is the Greatest Movie EVER and also the January entry for The Year of the Cage!

Click on the movie poster or movie title above to download our review of the film.

Review in a Nutshell:  At times lyrical, at times psychedelic, at times darkly humorous, Bringing Out the Dead is a gritty drama of hope and human redemption.

And Now, Your Moment of Nicolas Cage Zen:

EDIT:  Our new theme banner was provided by Nick Korn of Oleetku Studios.  Thanks, Nick!