Mayhem in the First Person

The movie poster for the U.S. release of Hardcore Henry featuring Henry plummeting toward a city in first-person while upside down and wielding two pistols.

Put down the proto-baby, because Hardcore Henry is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download our review of the film, featuring Daryl Surat of AnimeWorldOrder.

Review in a Nutshell: An innovative action film with a clever conceit and incredible stunt work, Hardcore Henry accomplishes amazing feats of film-making despite a very tiny budget.

Athletic Conspirators are Brawling

Trust in your fists, because Righting Wrongs (1986) is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the title or the 88 Films UK Blu-ray release cover above to download our review of the film, featuring guest host Kyle “@UFO_canada” Foster.

Review in a Nutshell: Nihilistic, cynical, and achingly sincere, Righting Wrongs (1986) is a modern masterpiece of action cinema that boasts exceptional composition, cinematography, and fight choreography. It’s also completely bonkers, from a narrative standpoint.

That Baby Knows the Iron Armor Technique.


Rack one into the chamber, because Shoot `Em Up is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the DVD cover or the title above to download our review of the film,

featuring Daryl Surat of Anime World Order.

Review in a Nutshell: An over-the-top action film with a strong sense of humor, Shoot `Em Up seems doomed to be miss-classified and miss-categorized. This film is the director’s love letter to the sort of improbable action sequences pioneered by the violent Hong Kong films of the 1990s, and thus it doesn’t entirely fit in among comparable Western films.

Final Thought:


Eat your vegetables.

“I Demand Authentic Stallone Butt”

Gas up the monster trucks, because Tango & Cash is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download our review of the film,

featuring guest hosts Daryl and Gerald of AnimeWorldOrder and Guy Woodruff of DEEP HURTING.

Review in a Nutshell:  Mere words fail to describe how truly bonkers this film really is.  Tango & Cash was made in the Eighties; no further explanation is required.

This movie contains:

Marion Cobretti?

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques.

Kurt Russell, Master of Disguise.

Drum Solo!

The Taste that Lingers?

Hold onto your sushi, because Wasabi is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the poster or the movie title above to download our review of the film, featuring Sean “Hollywood” Hunting.

NOTE:  Technically difficulties caused Sean’s end of the conversation to “clip” during recording.  We apologize for the sound quality in advance.

Review in a Nutshell:  Wasabi is an action-comedy with a zany sense of humor and a clean visual aesthetic.  The film doesn’t hold up well to repeated viewing, but a single viewing is definitely worth a look, especially if you liked the later films influenced by Wasabi, such as Crank and Shoot `Em Up.

Ax Dancing, Sexy Robots, Rambo, Red Sonja?

Remember to eat your fruit and vegetables, because Cobra is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download our review of the film, featuring guest host Daryl Surat of AnimeWorldOrder.

Review in a Nutshell:  There are some movies that define an era, embedding themselves in the fabric of popular media and influencing later films for decades to come.  And there are films like Cobra, which encapsulate the craziest elements of an entire period in film and then are promptly, tragically forgotten.

This movie contains:

Killer Nerds?

Practical Solutions in Cutlery.

Fast Food Atrocities.

Sexy Robots?


Behold, the infamous music video montage!

Cage Rage: The Rock and Con Air

Buckle up for another double-feature, because Con Air and The Rock are the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the image or the movie titles above to download our reviews of the films, featuring another invasion from Dave and Joel from Fast Karate for the Gentleman.

Review in a Nutshell:  These films are dumb.  Really, really dumb.  But at least Nicolas Cage has great hair.

Sho Kosugi, You Are Not James Bond.

Break out those exploding shurikens, because Rage of Honor is (definitely not) the Greatest Movie EVER! 

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download  the review.

Review in a Nutshell:  Crippled by terrible camera-work and Sho Kosugi’s broken Engrish, Rage of Honor is not an ideal ninja movie.  Still, we at the Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast are thankful for ninja movies in general.

This movie contains:


Sho Kosugi, Gentleman Spy.

Camo-Pajama Jesus Ninjas.

John Cena loves Explosions

Strap on your explosion-proof T-shirt, because The Marine is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Review in a Nutshell:  The Marine is a throwback to an earlier era in action movies, when the heroes were nigh-invulnerable and the mayhem was constant.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

This photo demonstrates both John Cena’s incredible ‘Angry Face’ and his initiative in creative war-paint design.

Jason Statham Drives a Car and Kills People


This is the only picture that should be required to convince you

that Death Race is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Review in a Nutshell:  On one hand, indistinguishable gray vehicles firing machine guns at one another in an ash-colored soup of choppy action scenes.  On the other hand, Mario Kart power-ups and Robin Shou.  On the gripping hand, Jason Statham.